Serena Kelley

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Learning to Re-Brainwash Myself

Yup, I used the B word!! See why below

A belief is just a thought you keep thinking. So I'm re-brainwashing my mind with a new belief system that works for me, not against me.

I listened to a recent podcast by Lewis Howes where he interviewed Dr. Joe Dispenza. What I heard was exactly what I needed that day.  Dr. Dispenza is a leading researcher on the power of the mind and way it can change your body and brain function within a matter of days by implementing specific mind techniques. Dr. Dispenza discovered that you can rewire your brain chemistry simply by visualizing the future you want rather than focusing on events in the past. This practice improves not only your mental state but your health as well.  

For example, if I focus on the traumas of my past, this keeps me continuously focused on worst-case scenarios. The more I entertain those thoughts, the more it becomes my reality, and the more my body reacts to those thoughts. This reaction comes in the form of continuously living in fight or flight mode, not knowing the difference between my thoughts and my environment. We all want to create a life we love and become an ideal version of ourselves. But focusing on the story and events of our past will hold us back from making any positive change. Dr. Dispenza points out that it's easy to focus on our past is because it reaffirms our limited sense of our ability to change. We can then use this reaffirming belief as an excuse for why we haven't changed.

"The more we hold on to the identity of the past, the harder it is to become our idea of the future." 

-- Dr. Joe Dispenza

This was a key realization for me, as it's so easy to blame our present circumstances on events of the past. But how does that help us moving forward? How does that give us the courage to change the things we want to change? It doesn’t. It holds us back, keeps us stuck and afraid of changing because of X scenario that happened X years ago. 

Getting stuck in this thought process affects our immune system and mental health function, as our body continues to use up valuable resources usually reserved for emergency situations only. In order to build our immune system, we need to rewire our brain so it rejects negative thought processes, takes us out of emergency mode and back into a state of relaxation. In this balanced state, our body will be able to naturally reject viruses and health issues.

Now, how do we do this? Well, Dr. Dispenza says we build this up by opening our heart system and connecting to our intuition. This helps us live from a space of love, wholeness, and joy, rather than separation and lack. When you feel whole, you feel like everything you want has already happened. And it’s in this state where your body starts to change. It doesn’t take that long, but it takes work. It takes awareness, repetition, information, sharing, and experience to get to the point where we let go of our persona of the past. But when we do, the body is liberated from and there is a huge release of energy.

This is what Dr. Dispenza does as his life's work.  His technique re-brainwashes our minds, but in a way that WE want, however that looks for you. Dr. Dispenza said that 95% of who we are is a set of unconscious programs. In order to become someone else, we have to become aware of who we are. We have to become self-aware of every thought, word, emotion, expression, and more, and how it influences our thoughts. When we do, we develop willpower greater than our self-programming simply by being aware of our thoughts.

All we want is wholeness, peace, and happiness. But to obtain that, we have to first conquer the mind and make it our best friend rather than our worst enemy. You become your thoughts because the body adapts to your thoughts. We can teach ourselves to become immune to negative thoughts and viruses, or keep being susceptible. 

You cannot just stop your negative thoughts. You need to replace the negative with positive. For me, this works in the form of mantras, which I repeat until they become automatic thoughts. The more I say it the more I think it and the more I believe it, which forms a new belief system. This is my first step to re-brainwashing myself. In the podcast, I heard this phrase by Dr. Dispenza, and I decided to use this as a mantra to start changing my brain chemistry and therefore my life:

“I’m more connected to the energy of my future than to the energy of my past. I’m more in love with my future than the story of my past.”

See if this works for you too, or find one that resonates. Write it down, repeat it, use it as the background on your phone. Start working on re-brainwashing your brain today to make it work for you! If you are interested in listening to the full podcast, click on the link below: