What I Do
"No level of biohacking, meditation, prayer, or yoga will work if you don’t do your emotional work." -- Mastin Kipp
Your life was not ruined and you are not broken. Horrible things happened, it was BAD, and it’s ok to feel sad, angry and frustrated. You don’t need to suck it up and hold it in. That’s an outdated notion it’s not working. I encourage you to let go, to allow yourself to FEEL the feelings of hurt, anger, and sadness. The more you let it out, the faster you can heal.
My goal is to help transform your post-traumatic stress to post-traumatic growth through healing the mind/body/soul connection by understanding how our experiences create beliefs that shape our lives. I teach you that even though you’ve suffered neglect, or emotional, mental, physical and spiritual abuse, you can still live in peace and harmony with your life simply by acknowledging your pain and taking steps to heal it.
As a cult and child abuse survivor myself, I know that what we suffered is incomparable to most people’s lives. I’ve been to countless therapists--explaining my life, emotional, vulnerable, hoping to get some kind of help or coping mechanisms. Most of the time, it didn’t happen. It took me years to find ONE reliable therapist who was able to help me. And I know I’m not alone.
What I do is work with people to heal their emotional trauma in a matter of months, rather than years on a therapist's couch. I have the distinct ability to understand your life without you having to explain how cults, programming, and brainwashing work. Or how religion ties into it and how it’s not possible to just “leave.” There, I saved you a whole year of talking to a therapist already.
I work with you first to identify the stressors and triggers in your life that are blocking you from reaching your goals. We find out WHEN those triggers first appeared in your life and we work to overcome them by healing your relationship to those stressors.
Next, we uncover the patterns in your life that no matter how hard you try to break, they keep popping up, again and again. We work to remove these patterns and replace them with new ones by changing the negative stories you believe about yourself based on your past experiences. Once we begin to add new meaning to experiences and talk about what happened openly, vulnerably, and without judgment, that is when your life begins to shift.
I specifically work with modalities I am trained in, and I focus on the mind/body connection, particularly with somatic experiencing, sensory processing, felt sense, grief, anger, EFT, chakra balance, shadow parts, soul loss, and inner child work. This is because when we have suffered extreme trauma, our natural response is to dissociate as a way to protect ourselves. However, many times we found ourselves in a permanent state of dissociation, completely disconnected from our bodies, our intuition, our breath, and being present in our lives.
Somatic experiencing, sensory processing and felt sense helps bring you back into your body by teaching you to be aware of your nervous system, how much is controls your life, and how to regulate it. This was key in my healing journey as I was so disconnected from my body that I could not deal with everyday stressors and events in my life as it constantly threw my body back into its usual state of fight/flight/freeze.
When you are disconnected from your body, you are disconnected from your intuition, your internal guidance system. Felt Sense is a physical experience, using bodily awareness to bring you back to your intuition by feeling the senstaions of "yes” or “no” in your body.
Somatic experiencing also brings awareness to your bodily reactions to events, by feelings and sensations. Bringing attention to these reactions reintegrates lost and fragmented parts back to yourself, allowing the lost parts that have dissociated to reconnect to your body. This in turn regulates your nervous system and provides you the ability to deal with everyday stressors by not becoming overwhelmed by them, but becoming more fluid and functional.
After we uncover and remove the negative patterns in your life, heal your traumas and create new patterns and belief systems, we go further in our journey. Armed with new beliefs, a new outlook on life and new perspective, we uncover what bring you true joy, and invite back in the playful side of life that was forgotten along the way. We bring you back into joy, pleasure, fun, and aliveness, and use this to bring you closer towards your life’s destiny.
Will this path be easy? No, certainly not. You can expect a lot of tears, a lot of realizations and disbelief when I tell you that the things you’ve told yourself for decades are 100% dead wrong. You will have to undo everything you think you know about yourself, peel back the layers, get back to your soul, your true, pure, magical, perfect self, and start rebuilding with new beliefs, a new perspective, and a new outlook on life.
You may resist, question if this is the right choice and if you are ready. But the fact that you are reading this means you know it’s time to change. You’re done repeating the same patterns over and over. You’ve tried other methods, and it’s not working. You think you’ve exhausted every avenue, but you believe there’s another way.
I’m here to show you that there is another way, one you didn’t know existed. A way to release old wounds of the past, re-write your story and re-route your destiny. When you see yourself in a new light, the faster you’ll heal and the closer you’ll get to your life’s purpose and be better able to authentically step into the role you were meant to live.
It doesn’t matter what’s happened to you or what you believe about yourself. You can still find peace in chaos, meaning in tragedy, and purpose in pain. I’ve lived it and I’ve come out the other side. I’ve found my peace, my happiness, and my life’s purpose, and I can help you do the same.
Anxiety and Depression Facts and Statistics: https://adaa.org/about-adaa/press-room/facts-statistics
World Health Organization - Depression: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/depression
Additional Information:
Sessions are one hour long, one call every other week
Sessions held in person, on Facetime, Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp, phone and other platforms
Clients who work with me have direct access to me at any time via text, Skype, and/or email. Throughout this time together I become your best friend, your confidant and someone who walks this road of healing with you to help get you where you want to be. I am your support system!
NOTE: As of March 2025 I am not currently accepting new clients. Please reach out if you need additional resources.
Interested in learning more? Book a free 30 minute discovery call with me now to see if we’re a good fit!
Certified Trauma Recovery Coach (CTRC), with the International Association of Trauma Recovery Coaches.
Graduate of UT Austin, BS Corporate Communications, minor Rhetoric and Writing
Certified Brain Health Coach (CBHC) with Amen University in California
Certified Health Coach (CHC) from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York
Certified in Plant Based Nutrition with eCornell in New York.
Level 1 Graduate, Spirit Junkie Masterclass