Serena Kelley

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Time Does Not Heal All Wounds

What doesn't kill you does not make you stronger, it actually makes you sicker, weaker, sadder, and unhealthier.

Based on the Adverse Childhood Experiences test (ACE) The more aces one has, the greater likelihood of auto immune disease. Women alone are 50% more likely than men to experience five or more categories of adverse childhood experiences. We are known as the “walking wounded” of our day because we suffer from so many diseases stemming from childhood trauma.

That’s why I do what I do. I was sick of walking around with inexplicable health issues, sick of feeling like my life was spiraling out of control, and sick of pretending I had it together on the outside when really I suffered from chronic depression and anxiety.

Healing childhood trauma means going back through your childhood, recalling the earliest painful events emblazoned in your brain, explaining the situation as an adult to your child self, and creating a safe space for your wounded child in order to heal the relationship to that trauma, in turn healing yourself.

Trauma is a misunderstanding, plain and simple. Something horrible happened to you, you created a story around that event, blaming yourself for what happened, and taking that story and belief with you throughout your life. This leads to a host of health and mental issues which can be reversed if you stop treating the symptom and go straight to the cause.

If you feel the same things keep popping up time and time again, the same health issues and symptoms are going undiagnosed and you can’t find the root cause, take the ACES quiz, find out your score and let’s talk! (Hint: with just 2 ACES you have a 70% increased risk of MS, type 1 diabetes, Hashimoto's, & an 80% higher risk of lupus, IBS, asthma & eczema.)

Your experiences and story matters!!