
Do I stay or do I go?

How to deal with the post travel blues

When I got back from my 6 month trip around the USA, I found myself in strange space mentally. Overall it was an incredible trip, but towards the end, I also felt incredibly lonely. I ended up making a detour in California to visit family because I longed for the connection and comfort of familiar faces.

When I got back to Texas, I felt torn. At times I longed for the solitude, stillness and peace of nature, yet other times I was so glad to be back around my friends and family, as six months on the road was a long time for me to be away by myself.

During my time of transition I focused on slowing down, tried to be more in the moment, and enjoy my downtime and the simple things in life. I focused on connected with my family and friends, and getting back to the simple things in life I missed on the road like going to the gym, sitting in the sauna, or cooking a fancy meal.

I also focused on movement. Whether that was exercising, dancing, taking a walk, running, yoga, swimming, or anything in between. Movement helped clear those feeling of sadness and “what’s next”, and allowed me to slow down and enjoy my life in the present more.

There are all kinds of things we can do for the post travel blues, but for me, taking it day by day, getting back to the simple things that bring you joy in your life, and moving your body was so key for me. I needed to get back to cooking healthy meals for myself every day. I needed to keep moving my body and walking and hiking just like I did every day on my trip for 6 months. I needed to sit in the sauna and do cold plunges to shock my body just like I did on my trip swimming in glacier lakes. All this and more helped me get over my travel blues and back to a state of being happy in the present.

I don’t know what the future holds for me. I have no idea where I’ll be living in a couple months or what I’ll be doing. All I know is that this is the life I wanted, with the freedom to be able to get up and go whenever I feel like and choose my destination whenever I want. It definitely isn’t easy, but it’s exciting to know that this is the exact life I wanted for myself. Now I just need to trust that everything will work out exactly as it's meant to.

Until then, I remain in Texas, happy in the warmth of its winters, close to all that is familiar and everyone I hold dear.