How to take care of yourself during times of uncertainty

We're so used to stress right now, it would probably be weird if things were going great. Here's how to take care of yourself during this time, and any time of uncertainty and emotional stress.

serena kelley writer trauma recovery coach hiker

Happy July! 

I can’t believe half the year is gone already, and what a year it’s been! I don’t think there is a single one of us that hasn’t been affected by the pandemic, job loss, canceled plans, racial injustice, or financial hardships. 

It seems that every week something else is happening or going on, and now it’s just a part of life to hear about a new COVID-19 spike, protest, closed borders, or more businesses going under. 

During these times it’s so important to take care of yourself and your mental health first. Anything that lends to stress these days is only compounding on the trauma we've already experienced from the uncertainty and turmoil. 

If we don’t take care of ourselves first, we suffer both on the inside and the outside. We experience shorter tempers and mood outbursts, depression, isolation, numbing, erratic behavior, the list goes on and on.

Luckily there are things we can do about it. Easy things to start, like get enough rest, good food, water, supplements like fish oil, vitamin D, and zinc to keep our moods stable.

I found a great list of 5 ways to care for your stress and trauma levels from Amen Clinics, and I will post the link here. The five things are:

  1. Disinfect your thoughts - question your negative thoughts and replace them with positive

  2. Find some “me time” - do whatever you need to do for yourself to get you through this time

  3. Boost your blood flow - this means movement in any form. Yoga, hiking, walking, even cleaning your house. All of these get your blood flow going

  4. Share your feelings with a friend - we’re ALL in this together. Talk to someone about it. They can relate to you on some level

  5. Seek professional help - when all else fails, find a therapist, counselor, or coach to help get you through this time. I work as a trauma coach and more than ever people are wanting sessions just to get them through this time! There is no shame in seeking help. We all need it, and as someone who’s had therapists, coaches, energy healers, and holistic doctors, I will be the first one to tell you that these people helped saved me in some of my most helpless moments. 


As many of you know, I planned to travel around Asia for six months, and I only made it through 2 before I had to come home or get stuck overseas. I suffered A LOT of depression and had to really take time to grieve for my lost trip and plans. 

After that I realized that Austin just didn’t feel like home for me anymore. I had sold all my things including my car, and I was staying on my sister’s couch. Finally I realized that I needed to take time for me. Just because my family was in Austin and it had been my home base for 10 years didn’t mean I had to stay there. So I packed up and moved to New Mexico. 

I’ve been living in New Mexico for two months now and I love it. I will continue to stay here until borders start opening back up again, at which time I will most likely resume my trip to Asia. But still, living in uncertainty is difficult for me, so I’ve had to make time for me to be able to help regulate my stress levels and get me through this time.

Some of the things I do are:

  1. Me time in the morning - I read, journal and meditate. I have to start my day off with my own routine to get me started on the right foot. 

  2. Eat good food - everything I eat is homemade, whether it’s bread, breakfast sandwiches, or gnocchi. I live over an hour away from the nearest supermarket, so being able to cook from scratch is a way to learn something new and challenge myself with fun activities. 

  3. Exercise - I haven’t been to a gym in six months. I also haven’t done a typical workout in six months. All the exercise I do now is what brings me joy and makes me feel good. These days it’s hiking and biking in nature, exploring canyons, and stretching outside. 

  4. Talking with friends - I am staying with a wonderful friend of mine and it’s so great to have someone to talk to about what’s going on. I also keep up with my friends and family across the country and we check in on each other regularly. 

  5. Reading - I’ve been reading a lot more these days, and I’ve been finding some great new reads that I’d love to share in another blog post. Usually I’m only reading 3 at a time (one in paperback, one on Audible and one on Kindle), but right now I’m reading 6 to 7. I read anything that interests me whenever I feel like it. 


These are just a few of the things I’m doing that work for me. Take some from this list or the one above and see if they will help you as well as they do for me. Remember that you need to put your own life mask on first. Then work on saving others.