
Going through a tough time? Read this

The fastest way out is always through


Full disclosure: I've had a pretty shitty week. A couple things happened in my personal life that left me way more affected than I initially thought. 😒😒

Thankfully, I know enough about trauma and the importance of grief to know it's not only ok but essential that I allow myself to be sad, go through all the emotions and process this loss.

At first I tried to shrug the situation off and pretend like it didn't affect me, but it did. For a moment I stepped into old familiar patterns of thinking "what did I do wrong, how did I not see this coming, etc," until I realized I didn't do anything wrong and nothing was my fault. I could not have changed a single thing. This is life, and life has its ups and downs.

So, I've been hanging at the house, eating all the chocolate and watching all the shows, because I know that the sooner I go through this grief, the sooner I'll be out of it.

It sucks that we always think we need to keep a brave face, stay strong and walk with our head held high. We don't. We need to give ourselves permission to be sad, be angry, cry, hold our head down and do all the things people tell us not to do. This is the only way for us to heal.

Suppressing emotions and not allowing ourselves to feel sad & vulnerable only sets us up for failure, depression and more permanent health and mental issues down the road.

We've got to change the perception of grief in society. Grief is not just about death, but for any loss or unwelcome change in our life. We have to honor it all, and that's what I'm doing.

Remember that the fastest way out is always through.

What are your core values? And are you living from them?

What happens when you stray from integrity, and how to get back to it.


I listened to Marie Forleo’s latest Marie TV with Martha Beck and wow, it was a good one.

This interview aligned exactly with things I’ve been working on myself, specifically regarding integrity and authenticity. 

Integrity happens to be one of my words for 2021. The more I talk about my life, experiences, and how it’s made me the person I am today, the more it’s crucial for me to live in my integrity, authenticity, & to follow my heart regardless of what’s happening around me, what others think or what the majority is doing. 

For someone that was groomed from childhood to be a people pleaser, forced to act a certain way because of my status in the cult & constantly told “everyone is watching me", each time I acted out or tried to be my own person, I was shamed and told I was bad & wrong. Needless to say, undoing all the brainwashing was hard for me.


Listening to this interview helped me connect things I’ve talked about here recently regarding fear, shame, and depression. Martha Beck says the cure for unhappiness staying within your integrity. That’s it. Separating from that not only affects you emotionally, but physically as well. "Once you leave your truth, your immune system function goes down, your heart rate goes up, adrenaline spikes, and stress hormones increase.

I started asking myself how closely am I adhering to my truth on the deepest level? If I’m staying true to my integrity, I’m happier. If I'm fearful or sad, most likely I’m not in line with my integrity and internal guidance system. 

That is SO SIMPLE. When we're living in integrity, we have peace, joy, love, & freedom. It's what we are & what we all yearn for. When we split from one or all 4 of those things, we stay rooted in fear and depression until we return to joy. 

Freedom and integrity are my two core values, my guidance systems. If I’m not getting those things, I’m not within my integrity. I’ve veered off course and strayed from my truth. 

If you’ve been feeling sad, off kilter or unbalanced, check in with yourself. Ask if you’re walking in the path of your integrity. It’s a hard question, because many of us THINK we’re living in our integrity, when really we’re just doing what we think we should be doing. That’s not our truth. It’s everyone else’s.


It may take awhile to figure this out. But think of two words that represent your deepest core values. Just two. Courage, integrity, faith, family, money, adventure, love, career, whatever. Once you’ve found those two, figure out if you’re living within those values. If not, then you’ve veered off course, and that’s probably what’s making you sad, angry, confrontational, unbalanced. That’s that’s fine. Now you know, and you can change it. 

You can change it by finding the pieces of yourself that are stuck in false beliefs. The things we think we should be doing, but really it’s what we think others think we should be doing. Recognize it, let it go, and change directions. Start living closer to your truth, your core values and your integrity. It’s a huge shift, but it’s worth it.

Everything that happens to us is happening for us. Every ache, pain, and depression is a gift, a sign post that is telling you to go a different way. Obstacles are always detours in the right direction, usually telling us that we’ve strayed from our values, and it’s time to get back to who we really are. If something isn’t working for you, don’t try harder, try a different way completely.

No matter how far we’ve strayed, we can always come back to wholeness, to yourself. The moment we decide to trust ourselves and follow our truth, that’s when immediate healing begins. It’s that simple.

Anxiety....how to spot it and what to do about it

Identifying the signs of anxiety, plus 3 easy steps to stop a panic attack! #2 is key!

serena kelley

Mastin Kipp once said "Anxiety, depression, and stress are all socially acceptable terms for unhealed emotional trauma”, and I completely agree with him. These days it’s normal and acceptable to say you’re under a huge amount of stress. In fact, that can even be considered a “good” thing in our society, as that implies you are busy, working hard and taking on a lot of responsibilities.

But since when has being stressed and over working been considered a good thing? Well, probably since people didn’t want to talk about trauma and acknowledge that they have outstanding issues in their life that need to be taken care of. But rather than face them head on, they chose to bury themselves in a pile of work, stressing out about other things like relationships, jobs, finances, family, etc, all as a way to mask what’s really going on.

The problem is, with any sort of unhealed trauma, big or small, you are far more likely to develop chronic depression and anxiety. It’s a vicious cycle. You stay busy and get stressed in order not to face your trauma. But then you develop chronic stress, anxiety, and depression, BECAUSE of your unhealed trauma. That’s a massive conundrum that can be easily avoided if we were to acknowledge certain hard truths about ourselves.

When you don't feel safe, when you have anxiety and feel threatened, you are experiencing trauma. A clear sign of anxiety is when you experience a panic attack. This is when your heart starts racing and your breath gets shallow and fast. Chronic panic attacks from anxiety are usually a byproduct of unhealed trauma. In order to heal the anxiety, you must heal your trauma first.

I experienced my first REAL panic attack while living out in the desert in New Mexico. I had no TV and limited internet, no cell phone service. I had to face certain things about myself that I was able to hide easily while living in Austin surrounded by friends, technology, family, and fun. When my breathing got shallow and began crying uncontrollably, I knew there was something deep within me that I had refused to accept. And that was when I had to acknowledge that I suffered from extreme anxiety.

Like depression, you sometimes don’t know you have it. I’m a highly functioning trauma survivor. I’ve held corporate jobs with six figure salaries in fast paced environments for 13 years. But behind all that I was dead inside. In 2012 when I worked from home, I rarely left my house, usually only to get groceries or drive to the park. The rest of the time I was sitting in bed eating ice cream and watching TV shows. Only years later did I realize I was suffering from severe depression.

My anxiety was a bit more sneaky. I’ve always been a “worrier” preparing for the worst and always imagining the worst case scenarios. Little did I realize that my body was living in constant overdrive and tension. My digestive system and adrenals were from the constant tension with my anxiety. Because of that, I didn’t absorb minerals or vitamins well at all. My hair started falling out because of it, and the lack of blood flow to my brain.

Of course, on the outside I seemed as normal as ever. No one knew what was going on. When you’re a high-functioning trauma survivor, no one sees that part. And you’ll know if you are one or not because when you tell others about what you’ve been through or what you’re suffering from, they’ll say, “But you always SEEMED fine.” Yup, that’s why they call us high-functioning.

Once I realized how my anxiety and panic attacks were brought on, I was able to start being more aware of my emotions and thoughts, which enabled me to prepare myself more for when a possible anxiety attack would come on. This was the best way to protect myself and literally help my body recover. I now know when I’m carrying tension, where, and how to stop it.

It’s so important to remember that even though your brain may not remember the initial trauma, or what brought on your anxiety in the first place, your body does. It will throw you into a panic when in a situation where similar emotions of vulnerability, loss of power and autonomy are present, like the initial trauma. It’s important to start being more aware of your reaction to uncontrollable situations or scenarios, as that can help you start pinpointing the source of your anxiety.

The best thing to do when you start becoming cognizant of your anxiety is to ask yourself when you first felt these emotions. If you dig deep enough, you’ll most likely recall a time from your childhood when you felt hopeless, alone, and afraid. This will allow you to go directly to the source of your trauma, and work with a specialist like me in order to heal that emotional wound and release the trauma bond from that event to your anxiety.

The trauma we are suffering right now due to COVID-19 may seem insignificant, but it's happening to us. We're all experiencing feelings of hopelessness, powerless, and a loss of autonomy. If you notice you're becoming more anxious or are experiencing symptoms similar to a panic attack, don't worry! You are having a normal reaction to an abnormal situation.

There may be a lot of things you have to work on post-pandemic and it's ok to acknowledge there is a huge possibility you may never go "back to normal" again. That's ok! Normal is subjective, and as autonomous human beings, it's our right to evolve and grow throughout life. We can create a new normal, a new life, and new structures! Trying to go back to the way things were will only frustrate us more.

If this idea creates anxiety for you, or if any other situation in your life leads you to shortness of breath and panic attack symptoms, there's a remedy for that! Below is an easy, 4-step prescription to calm a panic attack within five minutes, written by #AmenClinics:

1. Breathe! Take slow, deep breaths to boost oxygen to your brain to regain control over how you feel.

2. Don’t leave. If you leave wherever you are, you’ll start to associate that place with panic, and you’ll give it power over you. - THIS IS KEY!!

3. Write down your thoughts. If your thoughts are distorted, talk back to them.

4. Take calming supplements or medications if needed.

---Remember, this is the last step to be used only if the first 3 aren’t effective.

Remember that you will be ok. You will be fine. You will get through this, you will survive. You are safe, you are protected, you are loved.